
Strings of Praise Studio is operated by Mrs. Janet Kroon. We welcome new students and previous students to visit our website as well as the studio to learn more about music instruction.

Musician Character Traits

Diligence - demonstrated by Bach

Bach's Music
     Johnann Sebastian Back was very diligent.  No obstacle was too big for him.  If he wanted to hear a great organist or find a better music school, he would walk as much as 200 miles throughout Germany to obtain what he wanted.  Because he was diligent, disciplined and determined, he accomplished anything he desired.  With much work, he learned every piece of music.
     Soon after he married his cousin, Maria Barbara, Johann was asked to take a permanent position at the royal court of the Duke of Saxe-Weimar as organist.  For 9 years (1707-1717) Bach composed music for his favorite instrument, the organ.  He wrote many composistions every week.  Bach could take any melody and change it, shorten it, lengthen it, or elaborate on it.  In time he became known as the master of improvisation.  
                                             taken from Color the Classics

     Bach's Musicians:

     Diligence - "With every task I am assigned, I give it all my energy to complete it."

     I will - 1. Finish my projects.
                2.  Do a job the right way.
                3.  Follow instructions carefully.
                4.  Concentrate on my work.
                5.  Practice my instrument daily.
                6.  Be enthusiastic.
                7.  Always seek to do my best.

Determination - demonstrated by Beethoven

      Beethoven Facts to Know:
               -He grew up in a poor family.
               -He began to lose his hearing when he was 30 years old.
               -His music was full of great emotion.
     Beethoven had spent his entire life writing music and then went deaf.  Instead of giving up his career, he made the decision to continue. One of his pieces that is still well-known today is Ode to Joy, from his ninth symphony.  He wrote this after he had gone completely deaf!

     Beethoven's Musicians:

     Determination - It means: Making the decision to complete my goals and dreams, regardless of any opposition that comes my way.

     I will- 1.  Start my work right away, and work until it is done.
               2.  Practice my instrument before I take a break and play with my friends.
               3.  Refuse to give up!
               4.  Do the right thing at the right time, and do it with all my heart.
               5.  Push myself to do more than is expected of me in order to succeed.