
Strings of Praise Studio is operated by Mrs. Janet Kroon. We welcome new students and previous students to visit our website as well as the studio to learn more about music instruction.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Gift of Music

  Dear Parents,

          It has been proven that music education is imperative to the well-rounded growth and maturity of children of all ages. Childhood music lessons actually enlarge portions of the brain. Research indicates that music contributes to the learning process by developing both the right and left side of the brain simultaneously.  The results are that the brain becomes more effective in helping a student to become a better thinker.

     In addition to making the brain grow, music lessons also help children do better in life as they develop successful lifetime skills, habits, and positive attitudes that are important in the workplace. The playing of a stringed instrument enhances the character development of children as they learn self-discipline, attentiveness, obedience, respect, diligence, perseverance, faithfulness, self-control, self-esteem, confidence, and poise by practicing and performing their music at a weekly private lesson, and a monthly group lesson.
     Without question, the children who    study music are “blessed to be a blessing!” With their musical instrument, they are able to minister God’s love to other people of all ages. No doubt, they will experience a lifetime of pleasure, satisfaction, joy and blessing as they make music for the honor and glory of God. For “after the toys of childhood are gone, the gift of music remains.”

                         Musically yours,
                         Violin Teacher: Mrs. Janet Kroon